The notion of ‘governance’ integrates all governing processes, and may involve a multiplicity of agents and instruments in the construction of an organised society. Being the Government the most formal model of governance, there are multiple possibilities of articulation between public power, the private sector and civil society in the processes of creation and maintenance of social norms and institutions.
In recent decades, traditional, market-oriented public governance systems have proved inadequate to respond to growing political, social, cultural and environmental challenges. There is a demand for a “social turn” (to use Claire Bishop’s term) and even a participatory turn in the exercise of politics, which brings citizens closer to governance and decision-making processes.
Also in the cultural sector, the failure of public policies and market failures have led to the emergence of collaborative experiences that challenge traditional models of cultural governance: collaborative practices, non-hierarchical organisations, new institutional models, decentralised networks and civic participation in decision-making processes contribute to an understanding of culture as resource sharing from a common perspective.
For this edition of the Encounters, we felt urgent to address the theme of participatory cultural governance, calling for different perspectives and emerging practices that give us a new understanding on the management of common cultural goods.
Organizing Committee- Alfredo Martins, Anabela Almeida, Sara Duarte
Consultants - Diego Garulo, Mafalda Dâmaso, Vera Borges
Space design – Andreia Salavessa
Editorial coordination - Diana West
Discussant - Teresa Fradique
Executive Production - Mariana Rolim, Ana Raquel Rodrigues
Graphic design - Luís Cepa
teatro meia volta e depois à esquerda quando eu disser
Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar
Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Sociologia - ISCTE, Núcleo de Antropologia Visual e da Arte - CRIA
Governo de Portugal – Ministério da Cultura / Direcção-Geral das Artes, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
In October 2022, we held the 2nd edition of the Encountres “O Público vai ao Teatro”, dedicated to the theme of participatory cultural governance, at the Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar, in Lisbon. These were intense days of reflection on different ways of governing cultural assets, which are now embodied in the publication with the same title.
The launch of this publication took place at Livraria Tigre de Papel, in Lisbon, on March 30, with the participation of Diana West, responsible for the editorial coordination and the project coordination team – Alfredo Martins, Anabela Almeida and Sarah Duarte.
Project coordination - Alfredo Martins, Anabela Almeida and Sara Duarte
Editorial coordination - Diana West
Texts - Ania González, Cláudia Pato de Carvalho, Daniel Granados, Diego Garulo, Gabriella Riccio, Joana Simões Henriques, João Teixeira Lopes, Magda Henriques, Michel Bauwens, Sara Duarte and Viviane Almeida, Vânia Mendonça and Clifford Newton
Translation - Sérgio Vitorino
Proofreading - Pedro Cerejo
Photography - Filipe Ferreira
Graphic design - Silvia Prudêncio
teatro meia volta e depois à esquerda quando eu disser
Governo de Portugal Ministério da Cultura/Direcção Geral das Artes, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
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